
Balsam Tree Disease #363513

Asked September 17, 2016, 7:43 PM EDT

The attached picture shows the middle of three Balsam trees dead in our yard in Middlebury.  A few branches on the tree began to turn a reddish brown in May, and by August the tree was completely dead.  I have cut off about half a dozen branches which showed the same symptoms on the tree on the left.

Do you know what the disease is, and can anything be done about it, other than pruning dying branches?

Thank you.

Paul Wonnacott


Addison County Vermont

Expert Response

Thanks for reaching out. The folks at the UVM Extension Master Gardener Program might be able to help, and you can submit your question directly to them at

Or, you may call the helpline which is open Monday, Wednesday & Thursday from 9 a.m.-12 p.m. In Vermont only, call <personal data hidden>. In Chittenden County, call<personal data hidden>.

An Ask Extension Expert Replied September 19, 2016, 8:49 AM EDT

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