
Cedar tree disease #362108

Asked September 12, 2016, 8:46 PM EDT

3 cedar trees in my neighbors' yard - and now 1 or 2 in my yard are turning brown and dying. See the attached pictures. These are large (75'), established trees. What could be causing this browning? What can I do to make a definitive diagnosis? How can I treat the problem? Who could I call for further analysis/treatment? Thanks, John

Multnomah County Oregon

Expert Response

Western redcedars have had a tough year and we are seeing many mature trees die from the top down like one of those shown in your photos.  The best explanation we have is drought stress caused by excessive heat and dry soils from last year. Sometimes secondary insects or diseases are found but drought is the root cause. There is not much to be done for trees that have turned entirely brown - they will not recover. 

The other trees in your photos appear to have normal seasonal foliage loss or flagging. It looks like the older foliage, not the outer branch tips, are turning red. This is common for western redcedar at this time of the year (although some years more apparent than others) and is not a disease concern. The red needles will be shed over the course of the winter.
An Ask Extension Expert Replied September 13, 2016, 7:12 PM EDT

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