
apple tree fire blight, or something else? #359999

Asked September 05, 2016, 8:39 PM EDT

I planted several Honey Crisps and one Fireside apple tree over the past two seasons. Unfortunately it appears they have some type of disease. Many of the leaves have turned brown and crunchy. However, I don't see any scabs or liquid oozing from the main beam as I've read about with fire blight. Last year, when I noticed this, I began watering the trees regularly thinking that was the issue to no avail. This year, I have not watered at all. I live in NW Anoka County. The soil here is rather heavy. I'm attaching some pics. I just hope to figure out what the issue is so I can solve it if possible.

Anoka County Minnesota

Expert Response

While I wouldn't rule out fireblight, it usually appears first on one or two branches before spreading to the whole tree. You'd also expect to see bacterial ooze:

My guess would be transplant shock, especially if you weren't careful about watering the first season.  New trees must be transplanted to the proper depth in a properly prepared hole and watered deeply and often. Here is a reference on transplanting trees:

I don't know about the rest of the trees, but the ones in the photo look like goners. Since several trees are involved, you might want a certified arborist to take a look:

Dennis in St. Louis Park Replied September 06, 2016, 12:58 PM EDT

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