
Raspberry question #359299

Asked September 03, 2016, 7:21 PM EDT

Hello, My raspberry bushes doing well except that it is being chewed by something. I have attached a photo of the leaves and if you have any suggestions, I would be very grateful. Thank you Leigh

Marion County Oregon

Expert Response

Thanks for your question about your raspberry leave damage (and, sorry!)  You may have read recently that Portland has an enormous invasion of Japanese beetles.  The damage to your plant's leaves looks a lot like their work.  Here's a link to what the insect and its damage looks like and another article from the Oregon Department of Agriculture.  You might want to look closely at your leaves to see if you can spot them in one of their life stages, and report to the ODA.

Good luck!
An Ask Extension Expert Replied September 03, 2016, 7:33 PM EDT

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