
Canning Spagetti Sauce #358685

Asked September 01, 2016, 2:03 PM EDT

Hello, I am canning spaghetti sauce this weekend for the first time. I've found recipes online containing onions, garlic, peppers etc. I plan to use one of these but am conflicted on if I can water bath or if I need to pressure can. From what I'm reading I can water bath if I put lemon juice in each jar. Is this true?

Lane County Oregon

Expert Response

It could  be very dangerous getting recipes from the internet unless you are sure they are research based from a reliable source.  Spaghetti sauce with onions, garlic and peppers needs to be pressure canned.  The reason is that you are mixing high and low acid foods together and want to be sure it is processed long enough to destroy the spores of Clostridium botulinum.  If they are not destroyed then your sauce could cause very serious food borne illness.

I suggest you go to the OSU Extension FCH website and download the Canning tomato publication.  It has both spaghetti sauce with meat and without.  The website is  The publication is PNW 300 Canning Tomatoes and Tomato Products.  Another reliable website is the National Center for Home Food Preservation

All home canned tomato products whether canned in a water bath or pressure canner are acidified with either bottled lemon juice or citric acid.

If you have other food preservation questions you might like to call the OSU Food Preservation Hotline which is now open M-F 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. through mid October Certified Master Food Preservers are available to answer your questions. The number is <personal data hidden>.

Thanks for using Ask an Expert.

Nellie Oehler
An Ask Extension Expert Replied September 01, 2016, 7:11 PM EDT

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