Linden Greenspire 1 1/2 " diameter Planted June 2016 - Ask Extension
Shortly after planting, hail storm, damage to leaves. Was ok until 3 weeks ago and leaves started turning brown from outside edges in. I water every...
Linden Greenspire 1 1/2 " diameter Planted June 2016 #358385
Asked August 31, 2016, 2:16 PM EDT
Shortly after planting, hail storm, damage to leaves. Was ok until 3 weeks ago and leaves started turning brown from outside edges in. I water every three days. Was told 2 to 3 ti per week by The Tree Farm, Online Daily, Other tree experts 1 time per week. Limbs are limber, however leaves continue to deteriate. No sign of Insects or fungus . I sent pictures to the Tree Farm and they said not to worry. Any suggestions. I see other Greenspires in the area and they do not have this problem although they are well established. What are your watering or other suggestions.
Adams County Colorado
Expert Response
What you describe sounds like a combination of the hail damage and transplant stress. There is probably nothing to worry about. Just take good care of the tree going forward. We recommend 10 gallons of water per inch of trunk caliper (diameter) per watering. Water when the top few inches of soil are dry. Winter watering once a month if we don't have snow may also be beneficial.
We have a fact sheet on care of recently planted trees which can be found here:
I hope this helps, please let me know if you have further questions.
We have a fact sheet on care of recently planted trees which can be found here:
I hope this helps, please let me know if you have further questions.