
Autumn Blaze Maple Problems #357447

Asked August 28, 2016, 7:14 PM EDT

I planted this tree about 2 months ago.   The leaves look like they are burning, or, being eaten.  I do see a Cadre of wasps wandering through the foliage.    I  gave the root ball 2 times its width + half again it's depth, and amended the soil appropriately.   Any ideas what this is and how to control it?

Adams County Colorado

Expert Response


Thanks for your question. I did not see any specific diseases or bugs that might cause this damage.This looks more environmental, heat, wind, hail etc. It does seem the tree was planted too deeply, the top root should be planted 1" above grade, by planting it half again as deep as the root ball the roots are getting insufficient oxygen which are likely stressing the tree out further. Did you amend the soil when you planted? (CSU does not recommend soil amendment, and also recommends planting a hole 2-3 times as wide as the root ball with a saucer shape).

Has there been any hail lately that could have caused some damage?

In summary, it is probably a combination of planting stress, being planted too deeply and potentially some hail. As it is in its first season you could try replanting it at an appropriate planting depth. See the following gardennotes on tree planting: 

Please let me know if you have any further questions.

Cassey Anderson  Replied September 02, 2016, 12:57 PM EDT

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