
Pls identify plant #357081

Asked August 27, 2016, 12:56 PM EDT

Please identify this plant.  Union County, TN.  Grows very well in full sun.  Think it is a weed.  Need to know if it is invasive.

Union County Tennessee

Expert Response

I think, not 100% sure, that this is what the old-timer's in KY call frostweed. It's an aster and blooms late (thus named frostweed). The honey bees tend to like it as a late nectar source. The scientific name is Aster pilosus. If I'm right, the stem going into the ground is somewhat woody. It is propagated by seed and sprouts from rhizomes.

For correct ID of this plant, you could take it to your local Extension office.

Beth Wilson Replied August 29, 2016, 11:16 AM EDT

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