
Seckel Pear Disease #355029

Asked August 20, 2016, 11:48 PM EDT

My 10 year old seckel pear has lost all of its fruit for several years. In late June, when these photos were taken in Dickerson, MD, the fruit looks like this, then gets worse and then the fruit drops. As you can see, the foliage looks normal I have thought it might be blossom blight or rust. I have treated for fire blight but without success. Can you identify the disease from the photos and recommend treatment? ThanksHenry

Montgomery County Maryland

Expert Response

Our fruit and vegetable specialist looked at your photos and thinks that this looks like a fairly common disease called scab. There is both an apple and a pear variety which can affect pears.
Unfortunately, as you are seeing in your garden, producing good quality tree fruit in Maryland is not likely without good pruning and a regular, carefully timed spray management program for insect pests and diseases.
Here is more information about that:

For fireblight, an 'ugly stub'method of pruning is suggested:


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