
Bug inside the house #353957

Asked August 17, 2016, 1:03 PM EDT

Hi, We live in Rochester, MN. I've started to notice many of these very tiny brown bugs mostly in the bathroom - sinks, floor, walls. Some of them can fly even. Not sure what these are and how to get rid of them. When I crush them, it's like a wood

Olmsted County Minnesota

Expert Response

It's really hard to tell from your photos but they could be flour or cigarette beetles. Here is a link to info with photos for you to look at and compare. Check your cupboards and keep squashing them or vacuuming them up. There are suggestions for dealing with them in the article too. 
An Ask Extension Expert Replied August 18, 2016, 8:59 AM EDT
Thank you Sherry for the quick reply. I don't think it falls in those two categories. These bugs can also fly (similar to fruit flies) and when I crush them, they are woody. Primarily found in the bathrooms and on walls.

Thank you again.
The Question Asker Replied August 18, 2016, 11:15 AM EDT
We think the insects are grain beetles.  They are strong fliers and, so far as we can tell from the photos, they have the two diagnostic peg-like projections behind their heads mentioned in the bulletin.

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An Ask Extension Expert Replied August 22, 2016, 7:57 AM EDT

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