
5 petal pale blue #353609

Asked August 16, 2016, 12:04 PM EDT

I bought this locally then lost the label..It has delicate flowers, pale blue, 5 petals, trumpet shape. Deeply serrated leaves.Any ideas?

County Outside United States

Expert Response

Where is "locally?" By providing your country and climate information (temperature, rainfall, sunshine, etc.), our U.S. Cooperative Extension System experts might be able to identify this.
Becky KochRetired, NDSU Ag Communication701-866-6162 Replied August 16, 2016, 5:21 PM EDT
United Kingdom (Chester, Cheshire)
Temperate climate.
I bought it to fill a gap in my mixed border, but I can't remember if it was described as annual or perennial. It's so pretty and I would love to know what it is so that I can either propagate it or buy more next year!
The Question Asker Replied August 16, 2016, 5:34 PM EDT
We don't recognize it yet. Perhaps more leaf and plant photos will help, or take part of it to a local garden center for assistance.

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