
Is it possible we seen a badger in Philippi West Virginia #352426

Asked August 11, 2016, 10:46 PM EDT

Is it possible that we seen a badger in West Virginia ?

Barbour County West Virginia

Expert Response

Dear Barbour Co. WV,     Thank you for writing Extension with your Natural Resource question. I am sorry for my slow response, I was on vacation and wanted to look into this without just saying no. Yes, no is my first response, but now I say "maybe". If it was an American badger it is one of those rare sightings. First thing against the sighting is the natural range. The eastern most point on the range maps should be Eastern Ohio (in the farmland before the forested landscape). The second thing against the sighting is the fact that the American badger likes "open terrain" not forests. You could have seen a badger, but I believe it was probably a woodchuck or groundhog. Here is an old link (1990s) from the University of Nebraska about the badger.  I trust this helps.  Blessings.
An Ask Extension Expert Replied August 17, 2016, 3:08 PM EDT

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