
What animal leaves this poop? #352245

Asked August 11, 2016, 12:52 PM EDT

Since moving into my new home I consistently find this poop generally on my front porch, even on/next to my front door! At first I thought it was an inconsiderate neighbor's dog, but before go knick on doors, could this be another animal? There is an open field next to me with lots of rabbits and coyotes. Any ideas for deterring this?

Sandoval County New Mexico

Expert Response

I'm sorry for the delay... I've been trying to get somebody from NM to take a crack at this ID.  I really don't think a dog would come this close to a wall and leave a calling card.  Could it be a cat?
Robert Schmidt Replied August 21, 2016, 4:37 PM EDT
I don't know anything about cat droppings or what they look like.  These droppings are very dry and when I've shoveled or swept them off they shatter.  In the meantime I got a product called Critter Ridder in a granulated form.  I sprinkled it all around the front area and on the porch and It has a distinct high power pepper smell to it!   I even sprinkled some on the ledges and it has deterred birds too.  So far, I think it has been my best option.
The Question Asker Replied August 21, 2016, 5:28 PM EDT

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