
Maple tree bark damage #351388

Asked August 08, 2016, 7:52 PM EDT

My 4 and 5 yr old boys thought it would be a good idea to peel the bark off of my 4 yr old maple tree!  I was wondering if the tree is going to die because of the damage?  It is only on half of the main trunk.

Thanks Shawn

Murray County Minnesota

Expert Response

It is difficult to see the extent of the damage to your Maple Tree. If the bark is peeled of completely around the entire trunk it will definitely be a determinant to the tree. If it is only a portion it may affect it less. Healthy trees are less challenged by damage. I would encourage you to keep it watered throughout the rest of the season. An inch of water/week offered through a slow trickling house over 30 minutes is preferred. Place a wrap around the lower 3' of trunk to avoid today damage this winter. In the spring fertilize with a water soluble option and continue to keep hydrated in 2017.
Amy J. Extension Master Gardener - HC Replied August 10, 2016, 12:20 AM EDT

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