
bald eagles #350778

Asked August 06, 2016, 11:08 PM EDT

Is this a bald eagle feather??

County Ohio

Expert Response

I can't say for sure from the pictures, though it looks closer to a turkey vulture than a bald eagle. The lighter shading on the bottom left of the feather and the overall color lead me to think turkey vulture. Turkey vulture feathers are more brown while bald eagle feathers are typically a darker brown/black color. Again, it's hard to tell the exact color from the pictures, so I can't say for sure. Where did you find the feather? Is there a bald eagle nest in the area? I commend your curiosity, but am required to let you know that these birds (vulture and eagle) are protected by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act. One of the things this law prohibits is keeping or collecting any part of a migratory bird, feather's included. If you haven't already, it's best  to return the feather to wherever you found it. If you'd like to chat more about the feather, feel free to email me personally!
An Ask Extension Expert Replied August 10, 2016, 11:56 AM EDT

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