
Bug on apple tree #349471

Asked August 02, 2016, 10:18 PM EDT

My crab apple tree has a pile of sawdust on the ground. I hunted around and happened to find this bug on the apple tree. This bug has weird pinchers (like a crab). Have you seen this before? Is this the bug (borer?) that's digging into my apple tree? Please let me know if you can identify it.

Hennepin County Minnesota

Expert Response

Thank you for the question.  Based on the photo, it is very hard to tell what the insect is in the jar and if it is the cause of sawdust at the base of the tree.  If you care to submit your question again, please take the insect out of the jar and take several good closeup photos for us.  A photo of the tree and the sawdust would be helpful as well.

I can point you in the direction of more information and maybe you will find out what it is:   Check out information on flatheaded apple tree borer

You might want to check your tree closely for exit holes in the trunk and make note of its over all health.

Thank you for contacting Extension.
An Ask Extension Expert Replied August 04, 2016, 6:43 PM EDT
Another Expert has looked at your photo and thinks the insect in the jar looks like a cicada nymph. Compare here: This document discusses cicada damage to fruit trees, but it refers to the periodic cicada (17 year) and I don't think that species occurs here. Minnesota has mostly annual cicadas and these don't hatch in the huge swarms and aren't likely to do much damage. If borers are present, the cicada isn't one of them. 
An Ask Extension Expert Replied August 05, 2016, 9:34 AM EDT
Thank you so much.  After keeping that bug in a jar overnight, it shed it's outside skin, and I became aware that it was a cicada.  Thank you for the confirmation.  I didn't realize there were annual cicadas.  I thought they only came up in periodic broods.  

So, I saw a bug fly into the trunk of that same tree (see attached picture).  I think it's a yellow-jacket.  But, I don't want to get stung, and I realize that some borers (crown and dogwood) appear similar to bees.  

I also attached two pictures of the amount of frass near the trunk.  Is this a yellow-jacket?  Do they emit that much frass? Any suggestions on next steps? Should I just buy some bee killer off amazon?  Also, one of the frass pictures shows I have a lot of millipedes and centipedes near this tree.  

This tree has a lot of problems.  It's an ornamental crab apple tree.  I believe it has suffered from apple scabs for years without treatment.  I did spray twice this past spring.  The tree still has lost about 1/2 of its leaves (the other 1/2 have already fallen), but my neighbor tells me the tree is doing better than it has in the past.  I just moved into this house 6 months ago, so I'm still learning a lot about it's trees.

Thank  you so much!!

The Question Asker Replied August 05, 2016, 10:05 PM EDT
Thank you for the additional information. The crabapple tree doesn't look good and appears to be rotting out. Whatever the reason, the insects in the photo are not the cause of the tree decline, they are just taking advantage of its weakened state. The first insect looks like a type of vespid wasp but I'm not sure exactly which one. I don't know why it flew into the tree but maybe it's feeding on other opportunistic insects in the tree. The wasp isn't the cause of the sawdust at the base of the tree so we don't advise using any type of insect spray at this time. The best option is probably to remove the tree and start over next spring with a disease resistant variety. If you want someone to look at the tree and give an accurate diagnosis, hire a certified arborist to examine it and list your options:
An Ask Extension Expert Replied August 07, 2016, 12:29 PM EDT

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