
I have honey bees that ha... #346572

Asked July 25, 2016, 4:27 PM EDT

I have honey bees that have made a tree home ( inside of a hole) in my silver maple in my backyard. Please help !!! We want them to leave, but we don't want to kill them.

Franklin County Ohio

Expert Response

Dear Client,

Thank you for your concern!  Yes, I do recognize your bees as honey bees (as opposed to yellowjackets or any more aggressive bee species to worry about).  Honey bees are a cherished commodity in most rural and suburban communities, but they can become a nuisance when they are in an area of the home landscape that sees a lot of foot traffic.  If the bee nest is high in the tree, let it be.  But if anyone in the household has be allergies or if the bees are in popular retreat in yard, do not hesitate to call a local beekeeper or your local Extension office and ask if they have a list of beekeepers or hobby beekeepers who collect swarms or remove honey bees.  You could make a beekeepers day and they should be able to collect the bees with minimal impact on the tree.  Be sure to ask politely and they might do for free and with a smile to boot!  Thanks again.

An Ask Extension Expert Replied July 25, 2016, 6:17 PM EDT

If the bees are impacting the use of your yard or someone is allergic, I would suggest you review the Central Ohio Beekeepers swarm list - here is the link.

You should specify this is a tree removal because this does take special equipment and not all beekeepers will have that equipment.

Best regards,

An Ask Extension Expert Replied July 26, 2016, 10:29 AM EDT

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