
Dying squash plants #346209

Asked July 24, 2016, 5:06 PM EDT

My squash plants were growing nicely. Now they are all dying and the stems are rotting where they came out of the ground.

Clark County South Dakota

Expert Response

I suspect that you are dealing with squash vine borer.  These caterpillars will feed on the inside of the stem, usually near the base of the plant.  You should see a swollen area of the stem, often with a sawdust-like material coming out of that area.  If you cut it open, you should see the worm inside.

There is not much you can do now for the dead vines.  Sometimes you can cover parts of the vine beyond the damage with soil and keep it moist to encourage new roots to form.  A protective dusting with permethrin dust over the base of the plant can help prevent infestation.  Good luck!


An Ask Extension Expert Replied July 25, 2016, 9:58 AM EDT

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