
Ground Hornets #345755

Asked July 23, 2016, 8:45 AM EDT

For the past 4 years we have ground hornets every summer. We have tried everything to get rid of them and we can't. My yard has not looked as good since they have arrived and I believe it is because of them. Can you please help me get rid of them? Thanks so much.

Hood County Texas

Expert Response

It appears that you might be dealing with cicada killers. However I can not tell 100% from the picture. Generally cicada killers do not cause much harm. The do take advantage of bare spots in your yard. From them and other ground dwelling wasp or hornets you can sprinkle some insecticidal dust labeled for them around the holes. One example would be sevin dust. They will pick this up as they enter and exit the holes. You might have to reapply depending on weather conditions and watering habits. I hope this helps. Marty
An Ask Extension Expert Replied July 27, 2016, 10:19 AM EDT

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