
Bee species question #345240

Asked July 21, 2016, 1:01 PM EDT

Some coworkers and I found a bee in a prairie and we were wondering what type it was. It is about an inch long. It has blue bands on the abdomen. The legs and face are bright yellow with large greenish eyes. It has a long snout/mouth and long black antenna that are slightly curved at the ends. It has two sets of wings, one is significantly larger than the other. They are clear and the larger wings are about a half inch long. Through some research we have found the closest is the Blue-banded Bee, but as far as we can find those bees aren't found in Minnesota. Any idea of what it could be? I have attached some photos. Thank you!

Murray County Minnesota

Expert Response

This is a mining bee (Calliopsis spp.). According to Heather Holm's book Pollinators of Native Plants, pg. 258, these bees next in the ground in sandy, silty soil types. Look for holes in the soil about the diameter of a pencil. You might want to buy Heather's book if you are interested in identifying pollinators and also to learn more about the plants that benefit them. It's an excellent resource!

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