This supposed to be native to austrailia likes to be dry #344850
Asked July 20, 2016, 10:36 AM EDT
Tarrant County Texas
Expert Response
would be glad to try and help you , not sure how up I am on native Australian plants though?? First of all I would need a close up of the plant, I cant tell anything from the photo you sent? Did you buy it somewhere, was it given to you? Do you know for a fact it blooms and if so what season? Any info will help .
You may be right, it does resemble a bottle brush plant. There are many varieties of them and they are native to Australia. Everything I read said there were several things that could inhibit growth of flowers?
failure to have a well drained soil
not having an acidic soil, you might consider adding some sulfur to the soil?
Must be in full sun, minimum of 8 hours a day
Juvenility, if to young they will not bloom
to much pruning can cause lack of blooms as well
Hope this helps?