
This supposed to be native to austrailia likes to be dry #344850

Asked July 20, 2016, 10:36 AM EDT

What is the name and how do i get it to bloom

Tarrant County Texas

Expert Response


would be glad to try and help you , not sure how up I am on native Australian plants though?? First of all I would need a close up of the plant, I cant tell anything from the photo you sent? Did you buy it somewhere, was it given to you? Do you know for a fact it blooms and if so what season?  Any info will help .

An Ask Extension Expert Replied July 20, 2016, 11:47 AM EDT
Best name. Can come up with is bottle brush. Yes it is supposed to have red bushy blooms. I really need good care instructions. There is a reason it has no blooms. I really appreciate your help.

The Question Asker Replied July 21, 2016, 8:52 AM EDT

You may be right, it does resemble a bottle brush plant. There are many varieties of them and they are native to Australia. Everything I read said there were several things that could inhibit growth of flowers?

failure to have a well drained soil

not having an acidic soil, you might consider adding some sulfur to the soil?

Must be in full sun, minimum of 8 hours a day

Juvenility, if to young they will not bloom

to much pruning can cause lack of blooms as well

Hope this helps?

An Ask Extension Expert Replied July 21, 2016, 10:00 AM EDT

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