
field grass ID #344274

Asked July 18, 2016, 3:44 PM EDT

Can you identify the type of grass in the attached photos? It is in our old field, 700' elev., south Salem. It stays green longer than other grasses in the field and I'd like to possibly over-seed with more of it or add tall fescue if this is not a fescue variety.

Marion County Oregon

Expert Response

The turfgrass in this photo is tall fescue! This grass has course leaves and does best at a mowing height of 3 to 4". This turf thrives in the summer months, it is extremely drought tolerant. However, tall fescue struggles in the winter (November to February).

For more information on tall fescue checkout the following (provided by the Oregon Tall Fescue Commission)...

An Ask Extension Expert Replied July 19, 2016, 1:06 PM EDT

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