
sad nannyberry shrub #343754

Asked July 17, 2016, 9:17 AM EDT

I planted this shrub 5 years ago, purchased from Bachman's. After 2 years my neighbor said it was too close to my house and to move it out a foot or two. So I dug it up and put in lots of compost when I transplanted it. I'm not sure if it always had these problems or if it was the move but only this year did it make TWO flowers and the tips of the branches always turn black and wilt..... it is growing and I water it conscientiously. I thought that it was too much nitrogen but by now I would think it would be getting better!!

Hennepin County Minnesota

Expert Response

It is difficult to tell from the photo how far your shrub is from the house, but your neighbor probably gave you good advice about moving it, as a Nannyberry Viburnum reaches a mature height of 20 feet and width of 12 feet. Adding compost was a good choice when you transplanted it because it adds organic matter and is a natural fertilizer. If you used a fertilizer it could be a reason for low flower production. Fertilizers with high nitrogen levels often grow beautiful leaves, but few flowers. Either avoid fertilizers altogether or use ones that are high in phosphorus and potassium. Another factor that could cause the shrub not to flower is light. Although a Nannyberry Viburnum can grow in full sun to full shade, flower production is generally better when it is grown in a sunny location. Another cause of low flower production is severe pruning. If you pruned the shrub heavily before moving it, you probably won’t see flowers for a year or two.  

A possible cause of the tips of the branches turning dark and wilting is a fungal disease called Botryosphaeria dieback and canker, which typically occurs on plants under stress. Although this disease is usually due to the stress of drought (and you have diligently watered it) moving a shrub can also put it under stress. Try pruning out the infected parts by pruning back to green healthy wood. Disinfect your pruners between every cut with a 70% alcohol or 10% bleach solution. Dispose of all infected plant materials, as this is a potential source of disease for viburnums as well as other woody shrubs. 

An Ask Extension Expert Replied July 20, 2016, 12:33 AM EDT

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