
Ash tree losing leaves #340221

Asked July 06, 2016, 9:55 PM EDT

My ash tree started losing the compound leaf in on major branch. That problem is now moving to the whole tree. I cannot see signs of emerald ash. I have a lot of ash trees and this is the only one with this problem. Leaves started falling from the top of the branch and then moved inward toward the trunk of the tree.

Scott County Minnesota

Expert Response

Here is a refresher on ash borer. It would not hurt to refer it often and monitor your trees.
Ash are also susceptible to ash decline and the decline is usually caused by stem girdling roots. Diagnosing this requires a root examine, it is time consuming but not difficult to do.
I remain paranoid about ash borer. Would you expect just one ash tree is a row of twenty or so to be affected like that, or if it was ash borer would I start to see the affect of an ask borer in multiple trees located very close by around the same time?
The Question Asker Replied July 07, 2016, 1:38 PM EDT
Trees succumb at different rates. Sick trees will show flagging sooner than healthy trees.  I would look for woodpecker damage and activity. This is often the 1st symptom people recognize. Checking the health of the roots of the ailing tree would be a good next step.
Here is a link to the map of EAB infestations.

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