
Elf Sunflower? #339139

Asked July 03, 2016, 8:58 PM EDT

I think it's an elf Sunflower but not sure.

Genesee County Michigan

Expert Response

Good Afternoon,
I a not sure if your seedling is a Elf Sunflower, but I have done some reading on them and I am including a picture of an Elf Sunflower seedling.  Did you purchase the seeds or were they given to you? If you can send me anymore information I will be glad to help your find the answer.
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An Ask Extension Expert Replied July 04, 2016, 4:25 PM EDT
Well I had planned three elf Sunflower seeds that I had purchased but After a month or so they never sprouted. So I plan Ted something else in the Sam pot. Then a short time.later I had the plant in the picture that I sent t in addition to the new pla t that I had planted.

The Question Asker Replied July 04, 2016, 8:18 PM EDT
Hello again,
After studying the picture you sent and the picture I included in my first email I don't think the seedlings are elf sunflowers.  The leaves in the picture you sent are long and narrow with smooth and pointed leaves.  The leaves in the picture I sent have jagged edges and are quite a bit larger.

I guess the seedlings will be a mystery until it reaches its maturity.  I'm sorry I couldn't be more helpful.  Good Luck!

An Ask Extension Expert Replied July 04, 2016, 9:40 PM EDT

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