
Old mock orange bush problems #339061

Asked July 03, 2016, 3:41 PM EDT

Hi, I grew this from a twig and it's about 20 yrs old now. I prune it every fall to fence height. For some reason, last year - 2015 - was the 1st year it never bloomed! Duluth, MN did have a very mild winter that year, could that have affected the plant? Again this year after a mild winter, I only have a few flowers at the 5'-6' height. In the pic you'll see how wild it grew this spring, way too many new shoots and it filled in all over (where I normally prune it below to reveal the trunks) The last pic shows the inside old growth. Is it time to cut to the ground & start over??

St. Louis County Minnesota

Expert Response

There is more than one way to accomplish your purpose.  The least radical way is to apply the renewal  method which means removing up to one third of the oldest, weakest and least productive stems each year for three years.  Those that remain can be shortened each year. 

Rejuvenation pruning is another option, the one you mentioned, which is cutting all stems to the ground and starting over.  This should be done in early spring.

Or divide the rootball and plant a division.  Early spring is the best time to do this too.

There are advantages and disadvantages to each approach. 

Renewal pruning should be done shortly after bloom time.  With this method, it may be possible to enjoy some flowers each year.

It takes a year or two after rejuvenation to regain a serviceable shrub, maybe longer for flowers.

Division requires removing the root ball, a major task with well established shrubs.
However it provides opportunities to create new plantings or give unneeded divisions to family members or friends. Again, it takes a year or two to grow serviceable shrubs from divisions.

An Ask Extension Expert Replied July 04, 2016, 5:56 PM EDT
Thank you Bob.
I am going to thin it out from the bottom & inside first. It has 3 main trunks now with too many suckers coming off. Will clean it out good for this year & see what happens. 
With clay it'd be too hard to do the root thing. It's only compitition for space is a dwarf goats beard.
The Question Asker Replied July 05, 2016, 6:53 PM EDT

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