Mineral and rock identification - Ask Extension
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Is this obsidian? I found it near Jackson , MS.
Mineral and rock identification #338979
Asked July 03, 2016, 12:27 PM EDT
Hi and thanks for this service.
Is this obsidian? I found it near Jackson , MS.
Harrison County Mississippi
Expert Response
Hi! Nice specimen. I think that it is silica but not obsidian. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Obsidian
Sometimes when glass is remelted, it has a similar look to your sample. The link might help with your identification. Mississippi is predominantly sand and silt deposited across the Mississippi River delta. Sand and silt are primarily quartz, which is silica. Sometimes lightening will create small globs of remelted silica (glass) where it strikes. Regular glass, when remelted, can also have a similar look. Good find!!
Sometimes when glass is remelted, it has a similar look to your sample. The link might help with your identification. Mississippi is predominantly sand and silt deposited across the Mississippi River delta. Sand and silt are primarily quartz, which is silica. Sometimes lightening will create small globs of remelted silica (glass) where it strikes. Regular glass, when remelted, can also have a similar look. Good find!!