
Carpenter Ants? #337446

Asked June 28, 2016, 4:06 PM EDT

Are these carpenter ants? Can we get rid of them without a pest service? (We want to take care of the problem, but don't want excessive chemicals all around our house.

Rice County Minnesota

Expert Response

I don't know what kind of ants you have in your photos. They are hard to see. Even if they are carpenter ants, they do not eat wood like termites but they do chew to make tunnels. There are many types of ants and male ants are winged. Ants are very common and are difficult to eliminate. If they are not in the house or are not in an area that you or children use then they really don't have to be controlled. Here is a link to info about ants that should be helpful for you.
An Ask Extension Expert Replied June 29, 2016, 12:34 PM EDT

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