
brown spots on apples #336156

Asked June 25, 2016, 12:12 AM EDT

My apples are getting Brown spots. Checking internet isn't much help. There are too many different kinds and causes and I have not been able to relate my problem to any of the hundreds out there. Can someone look at the attached pictures  and tell me what my problem is and what to do now. I lost all the apples on my Fuji and now it has hit my Red Delicious. The Honey Crisp still looks OK.

County Texas

Expert Response

Looks like apple scab. Do you spray fungicides during the spring, beginning at bud break, and continuing until after petal fall? Where do you live?
An Ask Extension Expert Replied June 25, 2016, 7:55 PM EDT
Jon C., Thank you for your reply. I live in Duncanville, Texas, a suburb of Dallas. These trees were planted early fall of last year.The Honey Crisp and Red Delicious were two year old thees in 3 gallon containers that I bought at a tree farm in East Texas. The Fuji was a three year old in a 5 gallon container that I bought from Home Depot. The Fuji produced one small apple last fall. I DID NOT SPRAY LIKE I SHOULD HAVE.  I was more concerned about proper pruning than I was about spraying. I spent hours on the internet researching pruning. I wasn't sure what to spray with and procrastinated on finding out what to use. It looks like I'm paying the penalty now. My biggest concern today is to do what ever is necessary to keep from losing my trees. I am going on the internet and researching apple scab. When I had the problem earlier, on the Fuji, I thought it was brown spot so I pulled all the fruit and disposed of it. The Fuji is a month to 6 weeks ahead of the other trees. It blossomed in February, while we were still having 30 degree temperatures. Even after pruning and thinning It still had over 50 apples. I have attached pictures of trees and really bad fruit. 1st pic. Red Delicious, 2nd bad fruit, 3rd Honey Crisp and Fuji. Honey crisp on the right in that picture.  Should I remove and dispose of all the bad fruit?
The Question Asker Replied June 26, 2016, 10:11 AM EDT
Jon C.
I examined leaves on all three trees and only found about 20 with any spots on them. Is it normal for 
apple scab to attach the fruit as heavily as it has and not show up on the leaves any more than I'm seeing? We did have an unusually wet spring.I get similar spots on my tomatoes. Could the problem be related? Today, I pulled all the fruit from the Red Delicious that I could find a spot on. I have attached pictures of those apples. I think there are 5 or 6 left. Will spraying now through July slow or prevent further damage? Do you recommend any spray I might buy at Lowe's or Home Depot? 
The Question Asker Replied June 26, 2016, 10:08 PM EDT
Jon C,
I don't think I replied to expert correctly regarding brown spot on apples. I made two replies shortly after your post. Can you go to the brown spot question and post an answer to new questions or do I need to post them here?
The Question Asker Replied June 29, 2016, 6:56 PM EDT
Now that I know more, it is not likely apple scab. Clearly you have a rot issue, could be black rot, white rot, bitter rot, all exacerbated by perhaps insect injury stings of some sort. Because I am not familiar with your growing environment in Texas, hard for me to be much more specific than that. Best to get on some kind of spray program ASAP and especially next season to prevent this.
An Ask Extension Expert Replied July 01, 2016, 8:29 AM EDT

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