
Aspen tree disease #333897

Asked June 18, 2016, 9:15 PM EDT

I have 4 medium size aspen trees fairly close together. One of them has some dead branches and I cannot figure out what is killing them. The tree with the dying branches (most of tree looks healthy) is the only one with the look of the trunk in the pic I am sending. What is this and is there something I can do about it? And will it spread to the other healthy trees?

Gunnison County Colorado

Expert Response

This is definitely the results of a woodpecker going around the tree and damaging the water uptake of the tree.  Unfortunately there is nothing you can do about the damage and it's really hard to discourage the birds from doing this.  It appears to maybe last years damage, so if the tree still has green leaves on it then maybe there is a possibility that it will survive.  It won't spread to other trees, but usually the tree might be stressed enough that diseases could come in and attack it more.  I would suggest that you just water the tree as best you can, and hopefully it will come through.  
An Ask Extension Expert Replied June 20, 2016, 5:00 PM EDT
Thanks so much! That is very helpful to know!
The Question Asker Replied June 20, 2016, 9:33 PM EDT

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