
Juniper Tree Unitentified Insects #331656

Asked June 12, 2016, 8:13 PM EDT

Good Afternoon,
My husband and I live in the Castle Rock/ Franktown area and I was out in my yard and noticed two insects or bugs hanging around on our three Juniper trees we have. I have looked all over the internet to identify these things and can't seem to find a good pic or description anywhere. Could someone please help me ID these guys and let me know if they are good/bad... and how I need to eradicate them? I have attached two pix for you.

Thank you!

Douglas County Colorado

Expert Response

These are two different stages of a type of lady beetles (lady bugs) and are very beneficial insects.  Don't try to get rid of them.  They will rid your garden of many damaging insects.
Kind Regards, Replied June 13, 2016, 12:16 PM EDT
Kayla, you deserve a gold star and a shout out for taking the extra time to get info before spraying.  We are told that +/- 80% of insects are beneficial or benign, so the odds are against spraying unknowns.  It is not easy, since there are many different spot patterns and colors of lady beetles (search to see pics), and who knew that larvae could be bigger than the adult stage?  Be sure to tell your story to neighbors, friends, students, etc., to encourage good practices.
thanks again from a gardener in MD
An Ask Extension Expert Replied June 13, 2016, 6:24 PM EDT

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