
What's eating my pear tree? #330665

Asked June 09, 2016, 5:32 PM EDT

Something is stripping the leaves from one of my pear trees. (see attached picture )No other trees in the orchard are effected including the apple trees. Can you tell me what it is and how to treat it? I have inspected the tree but cannot see any caterpillars. I try to grow organically. I have Spinosad, B.T., and Pyrethrin on hand.

Lane County Oregon

Expert Response

I have spent an hour doing research.  So far no answer.  The tips of the stems/leaves are brown and black - which indicates a bacterial disease.  Maybe a mild fire blight - this disease can causes this type of defoliation but not exactly, so  I will do more looking.

Is what is shown in the picture, the middle of the leaf stem or the stem from the fruit?  The fruit stem would be thicker.

Take a sample to the Extension office, 996 Jefferson Street to the Master Gardeners and have them take a look.
An Ask Extension Expert Replied June 09, 2016, 5:59 PM EDT

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