
Help - what's eating my tomatoes?! #328745

Asked June 04, 2016, 7:21 PM EDT

Something has been eating the leaves on my tomato plants, and then I found this caterpillar eating only the creole tomatoes (but not the cherry tomatoes).  Any idea what it is and how to get rid of it?  I've been misting the fruit and leaves with Dr. Earth, but clearly it's not helping.  Thanks!

Jefferson County Louisiana

Expert Response

Caterpillars and perhaps skeletonizing leaf beetles.
Chemical treatment of skeletonized leaves on plants can be simple but they have already gotten far on your plants.  I suspect the vigor of your tomato plants has been greatly reduced.  
Natural chemical treatments are the healthiest option for the garden. Use Neem or horticultural grade oil, insecticidal soap and blasts of water to remove the insects and their larvae are often effective. Larvae are most affected when treated young in the spring and early summer. Bacillus thuringiensis (BT) may prove to control many of the larvae as it is target specific to caterpillars and worms. It is a naturally occurring bacterium that is not harmful to most beneficial insects. The most effective way to stop skeletonization of leaves is to get out into the garden every day and look for damage. Jump on the treatment of your choice as soon as possible to save your plant’s foliage and health.
Let me know if you have any other questions.  A

An Ask Extension Expert Replied June 04, 2016, 11:00 PM EDT

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