
How to treat disease on Cleveland Pear Tree #328068

Asked June 02, 2016, 6:06 PM EDT

Help!!  My (2) Cleveland pear trees both have developed a condition that appears to be causing the leaves to turn and drop.  It also shows signs of dying steams and has orange clusters of some kind growing.  What can I do, if anything, to treat and save them? 

Union County North Carolina

Expert Response

Your disease on the Cleveland Pear is a fungus called cedar-quince rust.  It will not kill the tree and there are no chemical controls.  The recommendation is to prune out and dispose of affected twigs and fruit.

 Here is a related article with information about this disease from NCSU Cooperative Extension:

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Thank you for your response.  I am very relieved to know this fungus will not kill the trees.  However, this is the first year I have had this problem.  Does it mean it will be an ongoing issue and will I have to continuously prune the tree going forward?
The Question Asker Replied June 06, 2016, 7:02 PM EDT

This problem seems to be worse some years and not so much of a problem in others. It will be somewhat dependent on the weather and how many cedars may be nearby that are infected with this disease. 


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