
5 apple trees losing leaves #326822

Asked May 30, 2016, 7:42 PM EDT

Hello, My 5 apple trees began having their leaves turn yellow and fall off on May 28th. They have spots on the leaves. In addition, I discovered this small apple with a growth/slash hole in it. Are there any options for resuscitating the trees to their earlier form? I am not certain of the age of the trees as we moved here 3 years ago. 

Howard County Maryland

Expert Response

Based on your photos the apple tree leaves looks like they may be subject to frogeye leaf spot, a fungal disease. There is a black rot fruit rot associated with this disease. Look at the link from Kentucky for more information

It is too late to spray for this disease this year. Practice good sanitation.  Next year you can spray a fungicide as a preventative. It is a challenge to grow apple trees as they can be prone to disease and pests and usually require a spray schedule for control. Be sure to select the most disease resistant varieties. See the attached links for spray schedules from other universities. But be aware that pesticides labeled in other states may not be labeled for home fruit and be available in Maryland. You will need to check product labels. The goal of your spraying should be to prevent and manage the most serious fruit problems is external) - Ohio State’s Disease Management for Organic Apples- aimed at commercial audience but excellent for homeowners. is external)  - Purdue University Managing Pests in Home Fruit Plantings is external)  - Penn State Extension – Excellent information but no spray schedule. is external) - Virginia Tech home fruit spray schedule.

 We cannot identify the injury on the fruit. If all of the fruit are affected,  it may be a possible disease or insect injury like plum curculio.  If just one fruit is affected,  it may be an injury that may have led to an infection. 

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