
White powdery insect #325335

Asked May 26, 2016, 10:21 AM EDT

The insect is small and almost like a tiny moth and leaves a white powdery residue on the stems.  It is starting to appear everywhere, but really likes the persimmon bark. I tried an insecticide, but it seems to have made it worse.  I thought it was due to the rainy spring we are having, but I want to get rid of them now rather than waiting for August heat.

Bexar County Texas

Expert Response

Those are likely mealybugs.  Insecticidal soaps, neem oil, permethrin, acephate, or any other pesticide that is labeled for the plant you are applying it to for sap sucking insects will help manage them.  But you need to do at least three treatments based on the label recommended re-treatment interval (usually 10-14 days) in order to catch the life stages you aren't able to get on the first or even second treatments.
Molly Keck Replied May 30, 2016, 6:03 PM EDT

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