
Low Grow Sumac #325254

Asked May 25, 2016, 9:26 PM EDT

My lawn maintenance company cut down my 4 year old low grow sumac on my back yard hill, they cut it down from a height of about 18" to 4" or 5" a week ago, will it ever come back? My neighbor planted creeping violets, not sure why, but it has taken over my hill where my low gro sumac use to live healthily. How do I get ride of the creeping violets? By the way, my neighbor has moved out and my new neighbor has taken drastic steps and killed all of his creeping violets in his yard.

Hennepin County Minnesota

Expert Response

I think that your sumac should grow back. It is established and usually pretty tough. The violets are difficult to remove. If they aren't mixed in with the sumac you could actually spray them with glyphosate (Round Up) or keep pulling them but you have to get all of the root or they will return. A couple of applications of a broad leaf weed killer like Trimec might also kill them but you don't want to apply it to the sumac.
An Ask Extension Expert Replied May 27, 2016, 11:27 AM EDT

Since I first asked this question the Sumac has started to bud once again.

The Violets are mixed in with the Sumac, see attached picture, so I guess Round Up is out of the question.  Any suggestions on how I can keep the Sumac and get rid of the Violets?

I have attached a second picture of a weed that is starting to spring up in the same area that my Sumac and Violets are growing, what is it and how can I get rid of it?

The Question Asker Replied June 03, 2016, 10:17 AM EDT

Since I first asked this question the Sumac has started to bud once again.

The Violets are mixed in with the Sumac, see attached picture, so I guess Round Up is out of the question.  Any suggestions on how I can keep the Sumac and get rid of the Violets?

I have attached a second picture of a weed that is starting to spring up in the same area that my Sumac and Violets are growing, what is it and how can I get rid of it?

The Question Asker Replied June 03, 2016, 10:17 AM EDT

Wow, I don't know what to tell you. You seem to have a lot mixed in everywhere. I don't know what your other weed is for sure but I would just keep pulling it. As far as the violets go I guess once your sumac is not so tender I would try spraying a small area with the Trimec product. That way you can tell if the sumac is affected by the chemical. If not then you can treat the whole area. You may have to apply it a couple of time and also in the fall. Try to spray in on the violets under the foliage of the sumac if possible. I suppose you could leave them and see if the sumac will tolerate the violets but they will continue to spread. I would use Round up anywhere where you can spray without getting it on something else. A piece of cardboard or a bucket to protect other things helps. You could also paint it on with a paintbrush so that you don't get it on the sumac but it is very labor intensive. The last choice is to spray the whole area to get rid of the violets and replant the sumac. Sorry I can't give you better choices.

An Ask Extension Expert Replied June 04, 2016, 4:29 PM EDT

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