
Maple tree has dead branches #324857

Asked May 24, 2016, 7:37 PM EDT

Last fall noticed my maple tree had several branches that did not drop leaves. This spring those branches are dead. Any idea why would happen? 

Clinton County Michigan

Expert Response

Verticillium Wilt would be the strongest suspect in your branch death. Fairly common, especially in maples, there is no cure, if it is indeed the reason.   You can read more about it at this link: 

For a positive ID, you can send a sample to Diagnostic Services at

Or you could involve the services of a Certified Arborist, who would likely send a sample for you.  You can find one or more Certified Arborists in your zip code at  Click on Find an Arborist.  Certified Arborists specialize in everything woody, evaluations are not expensive, and this is where you can learn everything about your problem, as well as any other problems in your landscape.

Meanwhile, the best thing you can do for your tree going forward is to keep it healthy, watering regularly and possibly fertilizing.  Prune out the dead and determine whether the tree is salvageable aesthetically, or not.  If not and verticillium wilt is the diagnosis, don't plant another that is susceptible to verticillium wilt in the same place because the fungus will remain in the soil for a long time.  Your tree could be hit again, or may never be hit again.  No way for anyone to know this and keeping it healthy would go a long way toward avoiding further problems.

Good luck!

An Ask Extension Expert Replied May 25, 2016, 6:59 AM EDT

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