
Edges of pumpkin/zucchini/cucumber leaves turning brown and wilting #323056

Asked May 19, 2016, 1:02 PM EDT

Hi, I am growing a bunch of seedlings of pumpkins, zucchini and cucumber to plant out soon. However, something seems to be going wrong with the leaves - on the pumpkins and cucumbers, they are turning light green/yellow and then white/tan-colored from the outside and eventually withering. This seems to be happening first to the small seedling leaves on the cucumbers, and then to the first set of true leaves - pictures attached. On the zucchini, the tan patches appeared first on the centre of the first true leaves. Can you let me know what this is? Is there anything I can do? They all seem to be affected at least a little and I don't want to throw away my entire prospective crop! The other question is whether this affects watermelon also - I have one brand new seedling (no true leaves yet) and two pots where they haven't even sprouted - would I need to worry about the same happening to them, too? Thank you so much for your help!

County Outside United States

Expert Response

Possibly poor nutrition. Potting mixture/medium needs to provide adequate fertility.

Ensure seedlings are properly harden-off before full sun exposure 

Use a commercially prepared potting medium or soil test/analysis any on farm media mixtures.

An Ask Extension Expert Replied May 24, 2016, 9:25 AM EDT

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