
Diseased Braeburn Apple Tree #322080

Asked May 16, 2016, 12:57 PM EDT

A client brought in a sample of a Braeburn Apple tree that is showing symptoms of disease. It is being grown in a 1/2 wine barrel. The leaves are spotted and curling. The limbs are starting to wilt and droop. There is a honey crisp nearby that is starting to have the same problem.

Coos County Oregon

Expert Response

Hi, and thanks for contacting us at OSU Extension.  You caught me walking out the door, so I am forwarding on your problem to my Wednesday plant clinic team and will follow up first thing Friday.

Scott Thiemann Replied May 16, 2016, 6:51 PM EDT
Thanks again for your question, we worked on trying to find solutions and found this previous response from a Minnesota Master Gardener re a similar situation at this link:  However, we think that it may be not enough room for the plant to thrive.  Perhaps too much or too little water, but probably too small a space (the half wine-barrel), even if the plant is a dwarf.  Perhaps incorporating some compost or providing fertilizer, may help as well. 

I hope this helps you rectify your problem.  Let us know if it persists.

Scott Thiemann Replied May 20, 2016, 4:39 PM EDT
And, after a bit more thought, we realized that the cultivars you have in barrels (Is the honeycrisp in one too?) are not very resistant to a number of diseases, so that may be a future consideration for you. Here is a link to a chart that may assist you:

Scott Thiemann Replied May 20, 2016, 4:43 PM EDT

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