
Mystery Plant Thought to be a Succulent #321512

Asked May 14, 2016, 10:01 AM EDT

Found this plant growing all over the place near my uncle's new house. I know I've seen this plant before in a nursery near the succulents, but that may have been just where it was put. The roots are very shallow and it appears to spread easily, with new shoots growing from where stems have touched back to the soil and begun rooting.

Cuyahoga County Ohio

Expert Response

Your photo does look like a succulent of some kind. My advice is to take a sample of the plant to your county OSU Extension Service office and see if they have someone who can identify it with the plant in hand. Your office is at:

Cuyahoga County Office

5320 Stanard Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44103
Phone: <personal data hidden>

We wish you success.
Carolyn E Replied May 16, 2016, 9:15 AM EDT

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