
Can I save my apple tree (branch) by wrapping it #320879

Asked May 11, 2016, 6:22 PM EDT

Our apple tree has a main branch off of the trunk that has lost a lot of bark, like it has been peeled off (and perhaps over the last few winters the squirrels may have done this).  The branches above this damage are dying, can I save it by wrapping?  Is this damage by sun, animal or disease?  The tree produces great Braeburn-like apples when the stars align here in Colorado to allow the fruit to form. Thanks!

Arapahoe County Colorado

Expert Response

It does look like squirrels have damaged the bark...they rip it off to use as nest lining.

No,  wrapping won't provided any benefit.  You may want to carefully remove loose bark.  Ideally, the bottom of the damaged area should be carefully shaped to drain water rather than retain it.   

Prune out dead wood above the damage.   It's possible that you may have to remove that entire trunk later.

An Ask Extension Expert Replied May 12, 2016, 5:37 PM EDT

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