
Swiss Chard? Beets? Common weed? #320586

Asked May 10, 2016, 9:51 PM EDT

Hello, this plant has been driving me nuts all day! At first, ( be it that I'm a novice at this sort of thing) I though it May have been rhubarb due to its decent size, shape and internal vain color. But the more I searched it just didn't add up - to boot, I noticed the leaves themselves aren't as wide nor stems as pinkish-red. So I looked at similar plants, burdock didn't quite seem to foot the bill either. Now, I'm here trying your app as the other plant identifier only gave me images of ferns which weren't even in the same ball park. Swiss chard? Beets? Burdock? Rhubarb? None of the above?
One thing (I'm not sure if this even helps) but I picked the stem deep into the internal portion of the clustered growth and smelled it (don't ask) - it stunk so bad. I don't know about 'earthy', 'mustardy', or any of all that but it just plain stunk!  Also, I'm not sure if it helps to add that this clustered plant did not seem to be anywhere put in the open. It was commonly found all along the end of the yard next to the fence or other heavy foliage. (Shade loving perhaps?)

Howard County Maryland

Expert Response

We,re not sure,it looks like it chard, but new growth would appear above ground.Suggest digging it up and examine the crown and root system.Does it have a fibrous root system or a tap root. Please resubmit the new photos.

Hello, these are pictures recently taken on a miserably wet day so I could not stay outside for long. These are also bigger groups that grew along the shed, perhaps fuller, more mature plants. They all look the same to me but I'm thinking they are the same specimen. The height of the largest bunch stands about up to my waist nearly, at least to my knees alone. The texture of these are slightly different as they are soft, almost velvety. (I didn't smell them this time lol).
The Question Asker Replied May 13, 2016, 7:30 PM EDT
Do you think that you planted something in this area?  We cannot make a positive identification from your photos.  At this point,  dig up one of the plants and submit photos of the root system, showing the crowns, as well as the foliage. This will give us more information and possible identifying features. 
Finally! A beautiful, sunny day! 
Okay, so this plant has a taproot system. The more I look at it and from what I've researched, I'm thinking this is a burdock. I'm looking at its younger leaved and they take on strikingly similar characteristics from what I've read. Moreover, I'm starting to believe the pictures I later took are a completely different plant than the first I initially asked about. But at this point I would still love further insight to this plant as it grows in abundance aroundbthe edges of my yard. Many thanks for your time thus far!!
The Question Asker Replied May 16, 2016, 5:37 PM EDT
Finally! A beautiful, sunny day! 
Okay, so this plant has a taproot system. The more I look at it and from what I've researched, I'm thinking this is a burdock. I'm looking at its younger leaved and they take on strikingly similar characteristics from what I've read. Moreover, I'm starting to believe the pictures I later took are a completely different plant than the first I initially asked about. But at this point I would still love further insight to this plant as it grows in abundance aroundbthe edges of my yard. Many thanks for your time thus far!!
The Question Asker Replied May 16, 2016, 5:38 PM EDT
Also! ( idk if this helps) but the root has almost like a spicy-sweet scent. It's just interesting to note. ;)
The Question Asker Replied May 16, 2016, 5:39 PM EDT
This looks like common burdock.  It produces a large thick fleshy taproot. It is a weed of landscapes, nursery, and agricultural crops  and is also found along fence rows, roadsides, and uncultivated areas.


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