
weed with a white fuzzy top #320555

Asked May 10, 2016, 8:24 PM EDT

I have this weed growing in an area that i have sprayed with round up. The plant itself is dying, but the fluffy white part of the plant is still there seemingly unaffected. Is this the seeds that will re-generate next year. How can I get rid of this spreading weed permanently. It is away from my yard, If I do get rid of this weed, then I will replant with tall fescue grass seed.

Floyd County Georgia

Expert Response

The weed you described seems to be cudweed (without a picture I cannot id with 100% certainty.) Cudweed is a broadleaf weed than does produce a mass of fluffy white seeds. Yes, these seed will most certainly be the next weedy plants.

In order to keep the seed from growing into mature, seed producing plants you will need to use a preemergent herbicde (that controls broadleaf weeds as well) in the fall. Peremergent herbicide are applied in mid-September and again late winter mid-February).

You can also spray the weed when it is young and tender with a broadleaf herbicide, thus killing them before they produce seed or gather up as much of the fluffy white seed heads as possible reducing the number of seed available for germination.

Make sure to read and follow all label directions found on the herbicide bag/container. Make sure the herbicide is safe to use on the type of lawn grass which you are growing,

Check with a garden centers for preemergent and/or postemergent herbicides available in your area.

Please give me a call if you need more assistance<personal data hidden>)
An Ask Extension Expert Replied May 12, 2016, 7:06 AM EDT
Thanks Keith,
I sprayed the weed about 10 days ago with round up. The weed plant itself died off, but left the fuzzy seed portion. So, I sprayed the fluffy stuff with citronella lamp oil then lit it off and burned them completely. I 'm thinking this will greatly kill new growth next year or at best greatly reduce it. I plan on replanting with new grass seed in a few weeks. This is in an area away from my yard, isolated between row of laropy and daylillies, a strip about 5ft wide x 35 long. This is where the weed was growing. Thanks for all your help. Wes
The Question Asker Replied May 12, 2016, 10:15 PM EDT
Your welcome.

One question, what type of grass do you plan to seed with and when?

If a warm season grass such as bermudagrass or centipedegrass, now is a great time to do so.

However, if you plan to seed with a cool season grass such as fescue, now is the wrong time to be doing so. You will need to wait until at least mid-Sept.
An Ask Extension Expert Replied May 13, 2016, 12:34 PM EDT

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