
Peach Tree Limbs #319297

Asked May 06, 2016, 11:20 AM EDT

My mother-in-law has 3 peach trees. We noticed the last time looking at them that the mature limbs/branches have a fuzzy feeling. There are bark colored hairs/fuzz all over them. The new growth branches do not have this. Is it normal or is it some kind of disease. I would guess the trees to be 5-8 years old. There are a lot of peaches on one or two of the trees but in the past, they have all rotted and fell off before getting too big. They have never had an edible crop. I know the peaches need to be thinned on the full tree and I will tell her that. They did spray the trees earlier in the spring. We are wondering what the issue is?

Bradley County Tennessee

Expert Response

I am not sure of what the fuzzy feeling bark is you mention. I would need a picture to attempt to Identify the cause. I have attached a link to a spray schedule for the peach trees. If you follow the spray schedule your crop should be more successful. 
Contact your local County Extension Service Office in Bradley County for information on the fuzzy branches.

An Ask Extension Expert Replied May 10, 2016, 3:30 PM EDT
I have finally gotten those pictures of the peach tree.
The Question Asker Replied June 13, 2016, 9:12 AM EDT
The gummy/jelly stuff on the peach is due to the larva of the oriental Fruit moth larva in the fruit. The fuzzy growth on the branches looks like a fungus that is on the bark and producing spores. It does not match any disease I have found associated with peaches. The best way to get an answer for that would be to ask you local Extension Service agent to collect samples to send to the disease lab at UT.
It will take spraying the tree every 7 to 10 days starting when the tree is dormant until the fruit is as big as the one in the picture to produce good fruit.
Follow a spray guide for the best and most effective times to spray for the many pests.
An Ask Extension Expert Replied June 13, 2016, 9:56 AM EDT

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