Grass fungus - Ask Extension
Can you identify what's on our grass from the attached picture? It's white and seems to be powdery since it leaves a bit of a white cloud when we mow ...
Grass fungus #315138
Asked April 21, 2016, 7:59 AM EDT
Can you identify what's on our grass from the attached picture? It's white and seems to be powdery since it leaves a bit of a white cloud when we mow over it. We assume it's a fungus but don't know what to do about it,. It's only in a small area close to our white pine trees and is shade grass.
Many thanks.
Frederick County Maryland
Expert Response
We can't see the photos clearly enough so say for sure, but your description of the cloud of spores suggests a slime mold. Read this from our website:
Many lawn also suffered burn in the last freezes and the white areas on your photos may be that--or merely light reflection.
At any rate, you don't need to do anything.
Many lawn also suffered burn in the last freezes and the white areas on your photos may be that--or merely light reflection.
At any rate, you don't need to do anything.