
Identification of a Groundcover and what is best phlox variety #313433

Asked April 14, 2016, 3:47 PM EDT

I am going to plant some ground cover in my front yard and am looking for something good for Colorado (Arvada).  I saw some nice groundcover in my neighbor's yard, but don't know what it is and am thinking it might be a nice choice.

I've attached 3 photos.  The groundcover is NOT the iceplant stuff.  The size of the leaves are approximately 8mm x 5mm.  Perhaps you can identify using the pictures?

Also, I am thinking of planting some phlox soon.  When would be a good time and what is the best variety?

Jefferson County Colorado

Expert Response

You can plant phlox after danger of frost has passed this spring if the plants you will purchase are actively growing in a greenhouse. If the plants have been grown outdoors, you can plant whenever you can work the soil.
It will be hard to recommend a "best variety" because there are so many good ones and the selection will depend on your site, the height you're looking for and color preference. Phlox is also susceptible to powdery mildew in our climate so do look for a variety that is disease resistant. Some phlox need moist well drained soil, but others are more drought tolerant . Some varieties prefer sun, others shade. Some creep, others are taller. Some bloom in spring and some in summer.
I believe the plant in the photos is a Cerastium species - Mouse Ear. The Stepables plant program has a couple of these:

An Ask Extension Expert Replied April 15, 2016, 11:57 AM EDT

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