
Splitting my Poppy plant #312907

Asked April 12, 2016, 3:14 PM EDT

Can you please help me identify my magnificent red Poppy plant from the attached photos, and can it be split as I would split a Hosta or Peony? My Father started this plant at his home in the mid 1990s and has since passed away. Since then, it has been uprooted twice, with a very large ball to minimize disturbance to the roots, and transplanted Successfully. It serves as a reminder of our family home and I would like to split it so my brother can share it with me, but do not want to risk loosing it. I have been unsuccessful in trying to use seeds from the plant to grow another. Thank you for any assistance you can give me n P. Carpenter.

Livingston County Michigan

Expert Response

Oriental poppies (papavar orientale) resent being transplanted due to the fact that they have a very deep tap root.   Shallow planting is often the cause of failure, as is soil that is too wet. Division is needed only every 5 years or so and the best time to divide or transplant is in August when plants are dormant.

Transplanting an entire clump is much easier than trying to divide the clump.  They are best divided by large root cuttings.  However, if your clump is large, you can perhaps slice off a DEEP section at the edge of the clump and successfully transplant it to a properly prepared site. Information re. how to best grow poppies can be found on this site:

If you have additional questions, please let us know.

An Ask Extension Expert Replied April 14, 2016, 3:15 PM EDT

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