
Rose plant not flowering #311469

Asked April 05, 2016, 11:01 PM EDT

I have six rose plants in my garden. All those six rose plants were bought at same time three years back. All of them are grafted. All receive good sun light, planted in same soil. Three of them are flowering for the past three years. Other three were not flowering right from the start except for the single rose that was present on the plants when I bought them. They have long unbranched shoots that grows from the original stem. Each plant has about 4-6 of those long non flowering branches. They doesn't flower, doesn't branch, and also doesn't stop growing. No matter how hard I prune them, they always give same non flowering shoots. If not pruned, the branches grow even upto a metre and a half long, unbranched. But still no flowers. What might be the reason? What can I do to make them flower? Bcoz my mom won't let me put new plants in their place...

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Expert Response

That is very strange. Can you submit another question and attach some photos of the problem? It is likely that the plants had some type of genetic or physiological anomaly back when they were being produced at the grower. I would not expect them to get better and suggest you pull them and replace with new roses or other plants.
Robert "Skip" Richter Replied April 06, 2016, 3:23 PM EDT
Here are the pics of those plants. I have pruned them very hard expecting flowering shoots, but the new ones are also non flowering ones. In the third pic you can see long shoot of the plant that doesn't branch or have buds. I have cut of the tip of that shoot and what sprouts from the tip is also non flowering one.
The Question Asker Replied April 07, 2016, 1:05 AM EDT
And here are the pics of other plants that has been flowering.
they have given many crops of flowers, giving about 50 roses each crop.
The Question Asker Replied April 07, 2016, 1:21 AM EDT
Those lanky roses may be another variety, such as a climbing rose. Many of these are "once bloomers" blooming only in the spring provided they were not pruned in winter. Whatever is causing this, I recommend you pull those plants and replant with whatever variety that you are wanting to grow there.

Robert "Skip" Richter Replied April 08, 2016, 1:21 PM EDT

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