
What is wrong with my delphinium leaves? #311222

Asked April 04, 2016, 8:57 PM EDT

I've never had much luck with delphiniums . . . but wanted to keep trying because they're so beautiful. I thought I had a winner with the one I bought recently until I was moving it from one area to another on my deck and noticed the leaves looking as they do in the attached photos. The light color on the leaves isn't fuzzy or anything. Nothing is drooping, the blooms are beautiful, the bees and hummingbirds are loving them, and if the leaves weren't so discolored, I wouldn't be worried that anything is wrong. The plant is in sun 6+ hours a day here in the San Diego mountains, and I water it a bit every day or two. Temperatures in our micro-climate right now range from lows of 40-something to highs of mid-to-high-60s. Should I be concerned?

San Diego County California

Expert Response

Delphinium can be fussy to grow. You indicated that you moved the plant?  Was it in flower or full growth when you moved?  That would stress the plant.  The leaves look a little stressed but not to the point of concern.  I would continue the good care. Sometimes after the plant flowers it goes through a dormant like period of rest and the leaves wither a bit.  Just keep an eye on it and it should be fine. Dennis
An Ask Extension Expert Replied April 05, 2016, 10:18 AM EDT
Thanks, Dennis, for your response. I probably confused things by mentioning that I'd moved the plant. I only said that to indicate that moving it is what caused me to look closely enough to notice the discoloration. I moved it just a few feet down the deck, same lighting and all. The discoloration had taken place before I moved it. The leaves aren't withered, just discolored with those light-colored splotches (easier to see on enlarged photos). So with that additional info, you think no issue?
The Question Asker Replied April 05, 2016, 11:46 AM EDT
I my estimation this is just a fussy and difficult plant to grow. In our harsher Kansas climate they maybe live a year or two and the flowers are less the expected.  My comments about moving still hold. Sounds like you dug it up and moved it in full growth. After it is dug it doesn't matter whether you move it only a few feet or miles. The roots have still been disturbed. I would expect some leaf wilting and discoloration with a move of a plant in flower or forming a flower bud. I will stand by just provide good care and hope for the best.

An Ask Extension Expert Replied April 05, 2016, 2:38 PM EDT
The delphinium is in a pot, not in the ground. So nothing was disturbed in that regard--I just moved the pot--didn't dig up the plant. The roots weren't disturbed. But I will continue to provide good care and hope that at some point new leaves will begin to form that don't look stressed. Thanks much for your time, Dennis.
The Question Asker Replied April 05, 2016, 6:26 PM EDT
Ok that does make a difference. Here is another thought - in a pot you must stay on top of fertilization. Nutrients quickly leach out of a pot so fertilize on a regular basis. Some of the lighter leaf color could be do to low fertility. Dennis
An Ask Extension Expert Replied April 07, 2016, 11:56 AM EDT
Thanks, Dennis! I'll give that a shot. The petals are starting to drop now. I appreciate your responses, and will continue to work on this pretty plant until it looks hopeless.
The Question Asker Replied April 07, 2016, 12:06 PM EDT

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